You’re in charge.
The Coaching Journey
Understand yourself and your value.
01 — Start Here: What is Coaching?
The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. Coaching is not counseling, therapy, mentoring or advising. It is a process of deep questioning that allows the client to consider and design new options and actions they never thought of before.
Why Coaching?
Coaching is a “pure experience”, allowing you to explore the experiential learning you need to grow and meet your own personal goals. This process also develops your decision making skills and helps you gain confidence and optimism about your life. Coaching is typically used to empower us to overcome our personal barriers to the success we want in life.
Watch more coaching stories here.
What is it like to be coached?
02 — Coaching Assessment
Most clients I work with have taken some kind of assessment, be it a self assessment of 360. We will start with the results of your assessments and discuss what you might want to develop in yourself.
03 — Coaching Plan
We will develop a plan for our coaching sessions based on what you want to develop in your life. A plan is a one page document that summarizes your goals and why you want to achieve them. We do not have to stick to this plan, sometimes we discover new or “root” subjects that you would rather attend to. The plan simply sets us on a path and creates a benchmark for your progress.
04 — Explore Growth
As we dive deep into your goals, we explore your values and how you can express those values within your career choice as well as with your friends and family. Knowing your values dramatically helps critical decision making, relationship and career choices. You will design practices for yourself to explore and integrate new learning.
05 — Be Accountable
Like most things in life, your success with coaching is dependent upon the energy you put into it. Creating small goals that support your development and making an effort to reach them during coaching will allow you to integrate change and viscerally understand yourself better. Knowledge is great, but APPLIED knowledge is best. Being “coachable” is also an important aspect of being accountable to yourself - if you refuse to participate fully you are just simply robbing yourself of value. Being coachable means taking on the practices, thinking deeply, reflecting and being prepared with new ideas and experiences to each session. This isn’t a class you show up to - it’s your life.
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