Grace M. Calpus, BSN, MPA, PCC, CCS

Leadership Coach

As a certified Professional Coach with a PCC certification from the International Coaching Federation, Grace has been helping individuals carve their paths since 2013. Her clientele spans from small business owners to small healthcare systems, with a current focus on leadership coaching in higher education institutions for faculty, staff, students and executive education. She has an eclectic background with professional experience in government, health care and technology. Most recently, Grace has completed her coach supervision certification through the Coaching Supervision Academy and plans to extend her services to coaches in the coming year.

Grace has extensive experience with clients on the following coaching topics:

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Coaching Style

Grace's coaching style is a unique blend of result-driven approaches and client-centric support. Whether you thrive on direct feedback or prefer a softer touch, Grace tailors her approach to your needs. She brings a balance of enthusiasm and humor to the table, making the coaching journey not only productive but enjoyable. Using talent and trait assessments, she crafts a personalized roadmap for success, incorporating Emotional Intelligence and behavioral assessments to ensure a comprehensive coaching experience. In the eyes of her clients, Grace is more than a coach – she's an enthusiastic guide who knows when to cut to the chase and when to provide the space for personal growth and reflection.


  • Newfield Network - Coaching Certificate

  • Grand Valley State University - MPA

  • University of Michigan - BSN, RN

  • Coach Supervision Academy


  • PCC – International Coaching Federation

  • EQ-I 2.0/360

  • LMAP 360

  • Active licensed RN

  • CSA Accredited Coach Supervisor

Current Client List

Rice University - Doerr Institute for New Leaders - Undergraduate and graduate coach

Seton Hall University - Buccino Leadership Institute -Undergraduate coach

University of Texas at Austin - Leadership and Ethics Institute - Undergraduate coach

University of Texas at San Antonio - Center for Professional Education - Executive education coach

Princeton University - OIT Academy -EI training coach (internal program with OIT staff)

Texas A&M University - Ed Mays Business School MBA Program

Hult/EF Corporate Education - contract coach

Bridgeline Consulting - contract coach

Previous Contracts

Cornell University - SC Johnson School of Business, Executive Education - executive coach

University of New Mexico - Anderson School of Management, EMBA program - coach

Yale University - Advanced Graduate Leadership Program - Graduate level coach

Volunteer Coaching/Facilitating

University of Delaware - Learner School of Business and Economics, Ascend Program for Women - Volunteer facilitator