Emotional Intelligence is more than knowing how you feel

EQ-i 2.0 Assessment

What do you think of…

when you think of emotional intelligence? EI (or EQ) is often described as being aware of what emotions you are feeling and using those emotions to understand others, make decisions and get things done. But research has shown that EI is actually made up of 12 independent “skills”, some more natural to us than others based on our upbringing, culture and personality. So, EI is not only about understanding emotions, it is a set of skills that can be learned. Without understanding these skills and understanding where you personally lie on the spectrum, it is difficult to make any real changes to EI.

EI is more important the IQ in determining success. Think about it. Who is more successful, the average performer who gets along with everyone, is able to express himself constructively whenever he needs with a strong network or the high performer who is closed off and aloof? Being able to interact with others, express yourself constructively and receive feedback is essential to being successful.

Courtesy MHS Assessments

Courtesy MHS Assessments

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What does the EQ-i report tell me?

The EQ-i 2.0 assessment takes about 20-30 minutes and provides you with a very detailed profile of your current EI skills. These are skills that are highly correlated with happiness and therefore you will also get an overall “happiness” score regarding how you feel in your life today.

After reviewing the test, you will not be able to receive your scores without also receiving a one our debrief session. This is required by the founding company for this test as it is unethical to provide these types of results to a client without providing an explanation and supporting a personal growth plan.